Beginner’s Guide: How to invest in stocks in the Philippines

how to start investing in stock for beginners in the Philippines

Investing in the Philippine stock market can be an exciting way to grow your wealth. But it can also be confusing and overwhelming for beginners. With so many options and variables to consider, it’s essential to educate yourself before making any investments. In this article, we’ll teach you how to invest in stocks, so you can start building your portfolio with confidence.

So here are the 5 steps in how to invest in stocks in the Philippines:

1. Understand the basics of stock market in the Philippines

Before investing in the stock market, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of how it works. Here are some basics to get you started:

What are Stocks?

Stocks are a type of security that represents ownership in a company. When you purchase stock, you become a shareholder in the company and have a claim to a portion of its assets and earnings. Companies issue stocks to raise capital, and investors buy and sell these stocks on stock exchanges.

How Does the Stock Market Work?

The stock market is a collection of markets and exchanges where investors can buy and sell stocks. The primary stock exchange in the Philippines is the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE). When investors buy or sell stocks, they do so through a broker, who facilitates the transaction on their behalf.

What are the Different Types of Stocks?

There are two primary types of stocks: common stock and preferred stock. Common stock represents ownership in a company and provides voting rights to shareholders. Preferred stock typically doesn’t offer voting rights but offers a higher claim on assets and earnings than common stock. It’s important to research the types of stocks available before making any investments.

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2. Set Your Investment Goals

Once you have a basic understanding of the stock market, it’s essential to define your investment goals.

Here are some steps to follow:

Identify Your Financial Objectives

What are your financial goals? Do you want to save for retirement, a down payment on a house, or a child’s education? Identifying your financial objectives will help you determine how much money you need to save and what types of investments you should make.

Determine Your Risk Tolerance

Investing in the stock market comes with risks, and it’s important to understand your risk tolerance before making any investments. Your risk tolerance is the level of risk you’re comfortable taking on in your investments. Generally, younger investors can take on more risk because they have more time to recover from potential losses. Older investors who are closer to retirement may want to take on less risk to protect their investments.

3. Choose a Broker

To buy and sell stocks, you’ll need to work with a broker. A broker is a financial professional who facilitates trades on your behalf. Here are some things to consider when choosing a broker:

What is a broker?

A broker is a financial professional who buys and sells securities on your behalf. Brokers can work for full-service firms or online brokerages, and they can charge different fees for their services.

Different Types of Brokers

There are two primary types of brokers: full-service brokers and discount brokers. Full-service brokers offer a range of services, including investment advice and research, but they typically charge higher fees. Discount brokers, on the other hand, offer fewer services but charge lower fees.

Compare Fees and Services

When choosing a broker, it’s essential to compare fees and services to find the right fit for your needs. Some brokers charge fees for each trade, while others charge annual account fees. It’s important to understand all the fees and costs associated with a broker before signing up.

5 Online Stock Brokers in the Philippines

Here are five popular online brokers in the Philippines where you can invest in stocks:

COL Financial

how to invest in stocks using col financial inc

COL Financial Group, Inc., commonly known as COL Financial, is a leading online brokerage firm in the Philippines. It was founded in 1999 and is licensed and regulated by the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

COL Financial offers a wide range of investment options, including stocks, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). It provides an easy-to-use online trading platform that allows investors to buy and sell securities with just a few clicks.

In addition to its online trading platform, COL Financial offers seminars and training sessions to help beginners learn how to invest in stocks. The company has won numerous awards for its services and has been recognized as the best online broker in the Philippines by several financial publications.

BDO Nomura

how to invest in stocks using BDO nomura

BDO Nomura is a joint venture between BDO Unibank and Nomura Holdings that offers an online trading platform for stocks, bonds, and other securities in the Philippines.

The platform is user-friendly and provides real-time market data, research tools, and investment insights to help investors make informed investment decisions. BDO Nomura is licensed and regulated by the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE).

The company also offers investment seminars and training sessions to help beginners learn how to invest in stocks.

First Metro Securities

first metro securities

First Metro Securities is a subsidiary of First Metro Investment Corporation and offers a user-friendly online trading platform for stocks and other securities in the Philippines. The platform provides real-time market data, research tools, and investment seminars to help investors make informed investment decisions.


Philstocks is a reputable online brokerage firm in the Philippines that offers an easy-to-use trading platform for stocks, mutual funds, and other securities.

The platform provides real-time market data, research tools, and investment insights to help investors make informed investment decisions. Philstocks is licensed and regulated by the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE).

Philstocks also offers investment seminars and training sessions to help beginners learn the basics of investing in the stock market.

The company has won several awards for its services, including the Best Online Stockbroker in the Philippines award by FinanceAsia and the Best Online Broker in the Philippines award by Alpha Southeast Asia.

BPI Trade

BPI trade

BPI Trade offers investment seminars and training sessions to help beginners learn the basics of investing in the stock market. The company also provides personalized support through its customer service hotline and email support.

Overall, BPI Trade is a reliable online brokerage firm that offers a user-friendly platform and a variety of investment options to help Filipinos grow their wealth in the stock market, with the added benefit of being backed by the reputable Bank of the Philippine Islands.

4. Build Your Investment Portfolio

Now that you have a broker, it’s time to start building your investment portfolio. Here are some steps to follow:

Determine Your Asset Allocation

Asset allocation is the process of determining how to divide your investments among different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and cash. Your asset allocation will depend on your investment goals and risk tolerance.

As a general rule, younger investors may want to allocate more of their investments to stocks, while older investors may want to allocate more to bonds and cash.

Choose Individual Stocks or Funds

Once you’ve determined your asset allocation, you can start in choosing individual stocks or funds. Individual stocks allow you to invest directly in specific companies, while funds are collections of stocks, bonds, or other securities that are managed by a professional. Funds can be a good option for investors who want to diversify their portfolios without spending the time and effort required to research individual stocks.

Consider Diversification

Diversification is the process of spreading your investments across different stocks or funds to reduce risk. When you diversify your portfolio, you’re less likely to be negatively impacted by the poor performance of a single stock or sector. Diversification can be achieved by investing in different companies, sectors, or asset classes.

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5. Monitor and Manage Your Investments

Once you’ve built your investment portfolio, it’s essential to monitor and manage your investments regularly. Here are some steps to follow:

Review Your Portfolio Regularly

Reviewing your portfolio regularly to ensure it’s aligned with your investment goals and risk tolerance is important. Consider rebalancing your portfolio if it becomes too heavily weighted in one asset class or sector.

Make Adjustments as Needed

As the stock market changes, it’s important to make adjustments to your portfolio. Consider selling stocks or funds that are underperforming and investing in those that show promise. However, avoid making knee-jerk reactions based on short-term market movements.

Avoid Emotional Decision-Making

Finally, it’s essential to avoid emotional decision-making when investing in the stock market. It’s easy to become swept up in the excitement or fear of the market, but this can lead to poor investment decisions. Stick to your investment plan and avoid making impulsive decisions based on emotions.

Let’s sum it up!

In conclusion, investing in the stock market can be a rewarding way to grow your wealth, but it requires careful planning and research. Following these steps, you can build a diversified investment portfolio that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Remember to monitor and manage your investments regularly and avoid emotional decision-making. With patience and discipline, you can achieve long-term success in the stock market.


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