A Beautiful Promise of Love Fulfilled by Life Insurance

sun life insurance claim success story

Credits go to the owner of the picture and the beautiful story of fulfilled love, Sir Edward Santos Mercado.

I’ll be sharing one of many touching stories of Sun Life insurance claims on Facebook. A story of love I immediately felt as soon as I read the first line of his post.

As a breadwinner who assumed the supposed responsibility of my father to my siblings and grandmother, I felt the connection to his story as I became very cautious about my spending habits and life choices.

This is one of the reasons why I decided to get life insurance: to ensure that any of my family members will not experience it again if they lose me (Lord, please not too soon).

They say that either you learn from your experience or from the experience of others.

But you don’t have to go through trouble when you can learn from the experience of others.

I’ll tell you, it’s emotionally painful to lose someone you love. What makes it harder are the financial difficulties that lie ahead.

Here’s one of the several heartbreaking Sun Life insurance claims stories.

My First Death Claim

It was in my first year as a licensed financial advisor that I secured a friend’s life. I did not even offer him insurance yet, and we discussed the concept of insurance when he approached me. He said he just heard from our common friends that I am from an insurance company and he’d like to know how much it is to have an educational plan for his daughter. When I sat down with him and discuss, I saw resistance on his face but eventually enlightened after discussing all the benefits he and his loved ones could get.

He was a colleague for years but I didn’t know much about his background until that day. During our conversation, I found out that he is 32, a single father of a 7-year-old child, and a breadwinner who’s taking responsibility for his deceased father. Seeing myself in his shoes as a breadwinner and the financial needs when my parents died. That moment, I felt the need and how we can support him. He did not sign up yet, as he said he would check and save money for him to open an account.

After a few weeks, he then decided to open his policy. It was February of 2017 and days after when I delivered his policy contract. I saw how glad he was while saying “para to sa anak ko Sir! Para siguradong makakapagaral sya kung sakaling mawalan ako ng trabaho o may mangyari sakin”. That I felt really proud that I became an instrument helping him secure his child’s future. A selfless dad to his daughter.

A shocking news arrived!

Morning of April 31, 2018, a year after, we were chatting on messenger about the launch of his exhibit for the next day. He was excited and thankful for the many blessings he’s receiving. We ended up the conversation when he said he’ll just wait for my updates regarding the support he’s asking for his event. Later that afternoon I was texting him for the said update.

It was his sister who replied saying “Wala na po si kuya”. I thought he just left his phone and went out. Just when I checked my messenger, I received a message from his Manager, who is also our friend, asking if he can talk to me regarding him. Just before I send my response, he rang me and said in his teary voice that our friend just passed away. I was shocked because we were just chatting earlier that day. Our friend said he died due to cardiac arrest.

His death was devastating to his family. Being the primary source, the more they felt the loss of a loving father, son and a brother. I immediately pulled out his Insurance record and filed his death claim. I was worried because it will be my first death claim on my second year as a financial advisor, in addition to the fear that it might not get approved because it is only 1 year and the policy is still under contestability period. Still, I processed whatever documents needed and coordinated with his family.

Sun Life Insurance Claims Success!

Yesterday, the insurance company where I belong fulfilled its promise. I got the check for his mother as the beneficiary. Today, I delivered the check and see how grateful his mother for his son. She said while crying “Alam mo Sir Eduard naaalala ko pa nung minsang umuwi s’ya sa bahay. Dadala dala nya ung yellow na folder. Tuwang tuwa sya, sabi nya regalo daw nya ‘yon sa akin. Sabi ko, ano ba yan? Insurance yan Ma! Sabi ko bakit naman kumuha ka na nyan?! Seryoso nyang sinagot; para po sa pag-aaral ng anak ko o kaya naman kung may mangyari man sakin o kaya mamatay ako at least may maiiwan ako sa inyo ng anak ko ”. I felt the sadness on her while she keeps on reminiscing his son’s memories.

My first death claim for my friend made me realize how important my purpose is as a financial advisor. A priceless job to serve and bring a brighter life on the mourning moments of his family. I know this check can never bring back his son to life but it will make a difference to his Mom and his daughter. We do not get insurance because we are going to die. But because there are people, our loved ones who will continue to live.


This Sun Life insurance claims story has brought tears to my eyes as I reminisce about the struggles I faced until this very moment.

Just like you, I don’t want my loved ones to experience financial difficulties, so I decided to break the cycle of being unprepared for life’s uncertainties, like the sudden loss of a breadwinner.

I sincerely hope that you’ll take action to ensure the future of your family today by getting an insurance plan as early as now (and I hope I am not the only one who becomes emotional with this story).


Credits go to Eduard Santos Mercado (minor edits were made to the original post)

28 thoughts on “A Beautiful Promise of Love Fulfilled by Life Insurance

  1. Hi Sir good day! my name is Mark and I’m interested to apply for life insurance could you please send me more details about in sun life insurance. thank you! keep safe
    hope to hear you soon.

  2. Hi Sir Federico! Im a college student and planning to have an investment. Im searching for the best and Top Insurance company here in PH, then brought me here. Felt touched by the life-story of Sir Eduardo about his friend, may I know if SunLife offers a best insurance product esp. even when Im a college student as of the moment? Can you please educate, enlighten and help me? Thank you so much for your response, Im also planning to get Life Insurance for my mother, 47 yrs old working in Public School, Thank you! 🙂

  3. Hi Federico. I am 40 years old single, working as an OFW. I want to inquire about life insurance and an educational plan for a 10-year-old niece. Thank you.

      1. Hi Mr. Federico, I would like to start an insurance that would cover my whole family in case of sickness and death, how much are the monthly payment?
        2. What are sun lifes’ edge against other insurance companies?.

        1. Hi Darilyn. You may get individual policies for your family members. In terms of edge, I might be too biased to answer that. For me, an insurance policy taken from any company are all good. A piece of advice maybe is to get an insurance plan from a company with strong financial standing, excellent client service, and above all, fast and reliable claiming process. After all, we get an insurance plan just in case something happens to us we can get the benefits promised to us as fast as we can to help us, or family perhaps, in other financial stress brought by accident, illness, or death.

          If you need assistance on this I will be more than happy to assist you in getting a more financially secure life. Just let me know if I can help. Thank you 🙂

  4. Hi Federico. I want to have life insurance. Can you pls send me mire details po. yung makakaya lang sa budget. Thanks sir

      1. Hi, Sir Federico
        I want to get SUN LIFE INSURANCE,, i mean HEALTH INSURANCE… How much do i need to pay and many years to pay… 39 years old,, OFW.
        Thank you

          1. Good day Sir Federico. I would like to know more about life insurance with health benefits (outpatient checkups and hospitalization). I am a minimum wage earner (actually a part-time job). Thank you.

          2. Hi Tet. I’m afraid you are looking for an HMO plan. We have something in Sun Life that supplements HMOs like Sun Fit and Well and Sun LifeAssure which is a cheaper alternative. You may consider getting a Sun LifeAssure as this will give you a decent amount of insurance coverage for an affordable price tag. Please let me know if you are interested. Thank you 🙂

    1. Hi Ms. Lena. Our issue age is only until age 70 (Sun Senior Care). But if you would like to get a plan for other members of your family please let us know. Thank you 🙂

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